Image - 10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS)

10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS)

A remarkable event has occurred!

The 10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS) was an outstanding event held on June 25, 2024.

10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS) is a conference collaboration program between STMIK Mardira Indonesia and Research Synergy Foundation. Co-hosted by STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia. This conference was held virtually and has given a chance to increase knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and new found research and collaboration opportunities.

This event was held in one day and has been a great success. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Pakistan, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and many more.

All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference. This year, the conference aimed to exchange and share their thoughts and findings in various spectrums in the field of study: Green economics, Community Development, Human resources management, Finance, Public and Corporate Governance, Education, Halal Studies, and other related studies. There were Keynote Speaker session followed by the online academic presentation session which is divided into 3 breakout rooms.

Opening of 10th BEMSS

The opening of 10th BEMSS marked by the welcome remarks from Dr. Marjito, M.Pd. as Conference Chair of 10th BEMSS from STMIK Mardira Indonesia.

Dr. Marjito, M.Pd.
Conference Chair of 10th BEMSS
Chairperson of STMIK Mardira Indonesia


The welcome remarks then followed by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as the Founder &  Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation who explained about the Global Research Ecosystem Introduction.

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation


Keynote Speaker Session

The next session was the Keynote Speaker session moderated by Ms. Santi Rahmawati. There were two keynote speakers on 10th BEMSS and the first speaker was Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM. as the Head of Internal Quality Assurance System at STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM.
Head of Internal Quality Assurance System at STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM. speech was followed by a QnA session. The participants were all excited to ask questions to Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM.. After that, it was time for the next Keynote Speaker, Dr. Xin-Jean Lim as Senior Lecturer at School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

Dr. Xin-Jean Lim
Senior Lecturer at School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia


Dr. Xin-Jean Lim’s session also followed by a QnA session, and the participants were eager to ask questions to Dr. Xin-Jean Lim. After all the Keynote Speaker delivered their speech, it was time for the lunch break. The participants were asked to join again after the break for the online parallel academic presentation session.

Online Parallel Academic Presentation Session

The online parallel academic presentation was divided into 3 breakout rooms and the session chairs in each breakout room was:

Main Room: Dr. Ma. Elena Estebal – Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines

Breakout Room 1: Dr. Muhammad Mujtaba Asad – Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan

Breakout Room 2: Dr. Soliha Sanusi – National University of Malaysia, Malaysia



Awarding Session and Closing Ceremony

The online academic presentation session was scheduled to be finished at 15.10 UTC+7. After that, the participants were asked to have a short break to wait for the awarding session. At the awarding session, there were Best Presentation awards, Best Paper awards, and Session Chair Recognition. Throughout the presentation session, the session chairs have given scores for the evaluation of each presenters. The scores were then recapitulated to determine the best presenter in each breakout room. In 10th BEMSS, there were four Best Presentation awardees:

Main Room

Paper ID: BMS24115
Presenter Name : Robbi Saepul Rahman
Affiliation : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasundan Bandung
Title : Increasing Employee Performance Through Physical Work Environment and Work Motivation

Breakout Room 1

Paper ID: BMS24106
Presenter Name : Dhea Bunga Annisa
Affiliation : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasundan Bandung
Title : The Effect of Tax Collection by Force Letter on Corporate Income Tax Revenue (Study at one of the Tax Services Office in Bandung)

Breakout Room 2

Paper ID: BMS24101
Presenter Name : Maman Oman Saepudin
Affiliation : Universitas Indonesia
Title : Intention to Buy an Electric Cars in Indonesia: Applied Combined Technology of Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)


Meanwhile, the Best Paper award category was decided upon these criteria:

  1. Submitting the Full Paper with the time,
    2. No notes in ethical consideration: Pass the plagiarism checking, citation appropriateness
    3. No Revision (Accepted) or only having Minor Revision in the previous review during submission
    4. Format/ template alignment,
    5. novelty of the content,
    6. academic, practical, and societal contribution or the impact
    In the 10th BEMSS, there was one Best Paper awardee:

Best Paper 1

Paper ID: BMS24109
Name: Muhsin Hasan Mohammed Hashem1, Muhammed Abdullh Al-Argoub2
Affiliation: 1,2University of Mosul-College Administration and Economics, Iraq
Title: “Measuring and Analyzing Impacts of Macroeconomic Variables on Financial Sustainability in Iraq (2000-2021)

After the Best Presentation and Best Paper award were given to the awardees, it was time for the Closing Ceremony. As the conference chair of 10th BEMSS, Dr. Marjito, M.Pd. delivered the closing speech and that marked the amazing collaboration between STMIK Mardira Indonesia and Research Synergy Foundation. Co-hosted by STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia, and all affiliated institutions that took part in making the event successful.

This year’s 10th BEMSS went successful and we hope to see more collaboration and future conferences ahead.