Research Solutions

Global Research Ecosystem

Our Global Research Ecosystem since 2017

From 2017 to 2021, more than 20.000 scholars have participated in our programs from Asia, Australia, Africa, America, and Europe continents.

With the average of the increasing number of members by more than 5.000 each year, We continuously strengthen the global research ecosystem by having four support systems that are ready to help members from across the world.

Work and Program

There are various agendas (work and program) that we have already done since 2017 up to present. The agendas are coming from all of the support systems in the Global Research Ecosystem, named: Scholarvein, ReviewerTrack, Research Synergy Institute, and Research Synergy Press. Research and publication can not be seen as a separate part. Otherwise, we should take both as a comprehensive program. Moreover, the quality of the paper is the biggest concern for publication. In order to achieve the Organization/University/ Institution goal, We provide some agendas that can support you in the area of research and publication enhancement. Some of the prominent agendas are:

International Conference Programs

It aims to create a "tipping point" of opportunities for participants to disseminate their research globally and have reputable scientific publication...

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Scientific and Academic Writing: Coaching Clinics Programs

It aims to provide a targeted and intensive learning strategy for publishing papers in high-impact Scopus/ WOS international journals. Scientific and...

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Workshop Programs

It aims to provide a vibrant learning forum to enhance the author's capability of scientific writing skills and the manuscript's quality. Workshop b...

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Learning and Knowledge Sharing Programs

It aims to provide the best practice and guide from the experts, editors, and publishers' perspectives in the area of research and publication enhance...

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Social Programs

It aims to empower and encourage society to share the value of creating an impactful program with us. Empowerment and Encouragement are the two keywo...

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Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) is a digital social enterprise platform that focuses on developing Research Ecosystem towards outstanding global scholars.

We build collaborative networks among researchers, lecturers, scholars, and practitioners globally for the realization of knowledge acceleration.

Scholarvein is a circulatory system that brings scholars to the next level of contribution. Supported by an established IT system and professional team, we bring transparency in every step of the scientific forum and process. One of the prominent services is the “Integrated International Conference Management and Operating System” (including the Pre-During-Post phase) that already served >2000 scholars around the globe.


Reviewer Track is a hub for Worldwide Reviewers. Connecting Scholars to Create an Integrative Ecosystem for Researchers. Gatekeeper for Reviewers to Emphasis Ethical Process of Blind Peer Review or Double-Blind Peer Review. Supported by Artificial Intelligence to make the scientific review process run well and reliable. Reviewer Track is a trademark platform hub to connect reviewers all over the world.



Research Synergy Press is a global publisher of scientific works and official Taylor & Francis textbook distributor, especially in the field of Social science, education, business, management, economy, and entrepreneurship. We provide trusted content by an expert, both academicians or practitioners, through a rigorous scientific process. Research Synergy Press aims to spread a good understanding of the development of science recently for researchers, academics, professionals, and students.



Research Synergy Institute is a learning platform to increase the productivity and capacity of researchers, facilitate collaborative research projects as well as developing effective knowledge dissemination. We specialize in helping professionals, researchers, scientists and scholars in terms of high quality editing manuscripts and publication support service. Our partnership program is open for any universities and professional organizations around the world.


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