Insight Articles

Image - Now Published: IJEIIS Vol. 4 No. 2!

Now Published: IJEIIS Vol. 4 No. 2!

In this latest issue, the International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies presents an engaging collection of articles exploring diverse facets of Islamic studies. From deeply personal reflections to viral phenomena, and even a groundbreaking dialogue linking Islam and democracy—this edition offers a thought-provoking journey into how Islamic perspectives shape every layer of life.

Through this platform, esteemed authors showcase how Islamic studies resonate in personal growth, business ethics, and broader societal dynamics, demonstrating its profound relevance in shaping both individual and collective experiences.

Ready to explore how these insights connect with your own life or research? Dive into the full issue at https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/index.php/ijeiis/issue/view/154

  1. Heuristic and Hermeneutic Reading of 75 Kufic Towards Ramadan FOKS Indonesia: A Study in Riffaterre’s Semiotics

Authors: Adib Alfalah & Asep Sopian


  1. Integration of Islamic Values and Malay Culture in the Development of Halal Tourism Destinations in South Lampung

Authors: Khoirul, Muhammad, & Andieni



  1. The Role of Waqf in Promoting Family-Owned Businesses among Married Women in Northeastern Nigeria

Authors: Adamu Abubakar Muhammad, Adam Muhammad Ardo, Shafa’at Ahmad Aliyu, Adama Lawal Tafida



  1. Impact of Haikal Hassan Endorsement on Repurchase Intention of Pizza Hut Muslim Consumers: Mediated by Religiosity

Authors: Syamsul Bahri, Juliana Nasution, Marliyah



  1. The Impact of Al-Shabr-Based Reframing Techniques on The Self-Esteem of Workplace-Bullying Victims

Authors: Anna Bella Diaz, Suci Nugraha, Anna Rozana



  1. A Comparison of Shura and Deliberative Democracy Decision-Making Methods: Similarities and Differences

Authors: Seyfeddin Neslinebi



  1. Development of Sharia-based Financial: An Implementation in the Halal Food Industry

Authors: Iwan Hermawan, Gita Hindrawati, Sartono Sartono
