Image - Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023 (JICRISD 2023)

Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023 (JICRISD 2023)

A remarkable event has occurred!

Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD 2023) was an outstanding event held on December 5, 2023.

Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development JICRISD 2023 is a conference collaboration program between LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta and Research Synergy Foundation. This conference was held virtually and has given a chance to increase knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and new found research and collaboration opportunities.

This event was held in one day and has been a great success. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, India, Thailand, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, UAE, Bangladesh, North Macedonia, and Many more

All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference. This year, the conference aimed strengthen multidisciplinary research from basic for share their thought and findings in various spectrum of Entrepreneurship, Management Science, Health Sciences, Sustainability studies, Social Science, Education, Business, Medicine, Law, Computer Sciences and other related field of studies. There were Keynote Speaker session followed by the online academic presentation session which is divided into 3 breakout rooms.

Opening of JICRISD 2023

The opening of JICRISD 2023 marked by the welcome remarks from Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, M.A., Ph.D. as the Conference Chair of JICRISD 2023 and the Chief of LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia. Afther that, Associate Professor  Anter Venus as the Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia, delivered the opening speech.

Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, M.A., Ph.D.
Conference Chair of JICRISD 2023
Chief of LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia


Next, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as the Co-Conference Chair of JICRISD 2023 and the Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation gave the Global Research Ecosystem Introduction.

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Co-Conference Chair of JICRISD 2023

Keynote Speaker Session

The next session was the Keynote Speaker session moderated by Ms. Santi Rahmawati. There were three keynote speakers on JICRISD 2023 and the first speaker was Prof. Dr. Basuki Supartono, SpOT, FICS from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia


Prof. Dr. Basuki Supartono, SpOT, FICS
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Basuki Supartono’s speech was followed by a QnA session. After that, it was time for the next Keynote Speaker, Prof. Don-Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom. There was a QnA session after the speech.

Prof. Don-Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom


Last but not least, the next Keynote Speaker on JICRISD 2023 was Associate Professor Phuong Pham from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA.

Associate Professor Phuong Pham
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA.  

After all the Keynote Speaker delivered their speech, it was time for the lunch break. The participants were asked to join again after the break for the online parallel academic presentation session.

Online Parallel Academic Presentation Session

The online parallel academic presentation was divided into 3 breakout rooms and the session chairs in each breakout room was:


Breakout Room 1: Prof. Shenaj Haxhimustafa from South East European University, North Macedonia and Dr. Cheah Chew Sze from Multimedia University, Malaysia


Breakout Room 2:  Assistant Professor Ts. Dr. Eugenie Tan Sin Sing from UCSI University, Malaysia


Breakout Room 3: Dr. Ronielle B. Antonio from University of Santo Tomas, Philippines”


Awarding Session and Closing Ceremony

The online academic presentation session was scheduled to be finished at 15.20 UTC+7. After that, the participants were asked to have a short break to wait for the awarding session. At the awarding session, there were Best Presentation awards, Best Paper awards, and Session Chair Recognition. Throughout the presentation session, the session chairs have given scores for the evaluation of each presenters. The scores were then recapitulated to determine the best presenter in each breakout room. In JICRISD 2023, there were three Best Presentation:

Breakout Room 1

Paper ID: ISD23108

Name: Lusiana Rahmawati

Affiliation: Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Title:  Does Ambidextrous Innovation Orientation Adoption Affected Business Performance? The moderating role of Transformational Leadership in Tailor SMEs


Breakout Room 2

Paper ID: ISD23109

Name: Lina Ayu Marcelina

Affiliation: Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

Title:  Assumption of Indonesian and Thai People toward COVID-19


Breakout Room 3

Paper ID: ISD23112

Name: Ika Citra Dewi

Affiliation: Universitas Islam Bandung

Title: The Contribution of Innovation and Intellectual Property in Achieving SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): A Perspective of Indonesia and Japan

Meanwhile, the Best Paper award category was decided upon these criteria:

  1. Submitting the Full Paper with the time,
    2. No notes in ethical consideration: Pass the plagiarism checking, citation appropriateness
    3. No Revision (Accepted) or only having Minor Revision in the previous review during submission
    4. Format/ template alignment,
    5. novelty of the content,
    6. academic, practical, and societal contribution or the impact
    In the ICE-ScienceHUM, there was one Best Paper awardee:

Best Paper

Title: The Role of Information Technology in Supporting Dynamic Managerial Capabilities Supply Chain in Oil and Gas Construction Projects

Author(s): Eduard Sinaga 1, Adrid Indaryanto 2, Bambang Dwi Harijadi 3

Affiliation(s): 1, 2, 3 Human Resource Development Program Postgraduate School, Airlangga University, Indonesia;

The next session was the Closing Speech, delivered by Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, M.A., Ph.D. as the Conference Chair JICRISD 2023 and Chief of LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia.


This year’s JICRISD went successful and we hope to see more collaboration and future conferences ahead.