Image - International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM)

International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM)

A remarkable event has occurred!

The International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM) was held successfully on 5 October 2023. Organized by Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), this conference was held in hybrid, live from the Auditorium of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang Campus and virtually through the online platform. The ICSTSM brought the theme of “Green Transportation” with 13 tracks of interdisciplinary field of studies presented by 64 participants. This conference aimed to strengthen the interdisciplinary research from basic to share their thought and findings in various spectrum of Transportation Material Technology, Transportation Education and Management, Development in Science and Technology in Transportation, Logistics, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Green Transportation, Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure, Multimodal Transportation, Character Building, Maritime Law, Sustainable Transportation, and Human Resources in Transportation.

The conference has successfully gathered speakers, participants, scientific reviewer, session chair, and attendees from more than 19 countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Rep. of Korea, Japan, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, India, Nigeria, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Jordan, Algeria, Turkey, China, Thailand, Tanzania, and many more..


A Seamless Hybrid Conference

The ICSTSM was arranged seamlessly between the onsite and online participants. The opening started live from the Auditorium of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, while the virtual participants joined through the online platform Zoom.
The opening consisted of traditional dance performance by the cadets of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, the safety induction delivered in three languages: Indonesia, English, and Japanese, and playing the song Indonesia Raya and Perhubungan Hymn.
The welcoming remark was delivered by the Director of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Dr. Capt. Tri Cahyadi M.H., M. Mar., as the conference chair of the ICSTSM.


After that, the Secretary of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, Indonesia (BPSDMP), Dr. Capt. Wisnu Handoko, M.Sc., presented an opening speech for the ICSTSM. Dr. Capt. Wisnu Handoko, M.Sc spoke on behalf of the Head of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, Indonesia (BPSDMP) and joined conference virtually.

The conference also welcomed the co-conference chair and chairperson of the Research Synergy Foundation, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih. She introduced the Global Research Ecosystem by Research Synergy Foundation, which supported the scientific process and publication of ICSTSM. Thus making the conference more reputable and internationalized.

A Plenary Keynote Speaker Session

The International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM) invited 6 Keynote Speakers coming from various country. One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Seunghee Choi, came to the conference onsite from the Republic of Korea. The keynote speaker session was held in a plenary setting, moderated by Santi Rahmawati M.S.M., the Founder and Global Network Operation Director of the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).

Keynote Speaker 1 Session

The first keynote speaker was Prof. Takeshi Nakazawa, Ph.D., C.Eng., FIMarEST, who is the Executive Director of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU). His speech talked about the role of educators at maritime higher education in a transitional period of shipping.


Prof. Takeshi Nakazawa, Ph.D., C.Eng., FIMarEST
Executive Director of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU)

Keynote Speaker 2 Session

Prof. Takeshi Nakazawa’s session then followed by the session of Dr. Seunghee Choi, Executive Director/ APEC Seafarers Excellence Network who joined the conference onsite coming from Republic of Korea to Semarang, Indonesia. Her speech title was “Seafarers’ Mental Well-being – The Unsung Hero of Ship Safety in Sustainable Transportation”.


Dr. Seunghee Choi
Executive Director/ APEC Seafarers Excellence Network

Keynote Speaker 3 Session

After that, the session was continued by the speech of Prof. Kerry Brown from Edith Cowan University, Australia. She joined the conference virtually to talk about “Safe and Sound? Transport System Sustainability and Safety in the World of Autonomous Vehicles”.


Prof. Kerry Brown
Edith Cowan University

Keynote Speaker 4 Session

Next keynote speaker was Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Ph.D., the Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT), joined virtually. His speech was about “Green Maritime Transportation and The Challenges of Indonesian Archipelago Country”.


Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Ph.D.
Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT)

Keynote Speaker 5 Session

After Prof. Ari Purbayanto, we welcomed Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi, M.Sc. as the Senior Advisor to the Minister for Transportation on Regional and Environment of Transportation, Concurrently Acting Director General of Sea Transportation. He spoke about the Ecoport and Green Shipping.


Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi, M.Sc.
Senior Advisor to the Minister for Transportation on Regional and Environment of Transportation, Concurrently Acting Director General of Sea Transportation

Keynote Speaker 6 Session

For the final keynote speaker, the conference invited Capt. Qasim Masood, Msc., MRINA., AFNI. From The Nautical Institute, United Kingdom. He joined the conference virtually to talk about the Green Curriculum of The Nautical Institute.


Capt. Qasim Masood, Msc., MRINA., AFNI.
The Nautical Institute, United Kingdom

Online Academic Presentation Session

The online academic presentation session of the ICSTSM was divided into 8 Breakout Rooms. Onsite, the presenters who joined the breakout room also divided into 8 classes in the campus of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. The Session Chairs for the online academic presentation session came from various countries and affiliations:

Breakout room 1:
Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rafeah Legino from the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


Breakout Room 2:
Session Chair: Prof. Mert Çubukcu from the Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey


Breakout Room 3:
Session Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi from the HafenCity University, Hamburg, Germany


Breakout Room 4:
Session Chair: Mr. Taha Hatcha from the HafenCity University, Hamburg, Germany


Breakout Room 5:
Session Chair: Prof. Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram from the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


Breakout Room 6:
Session Chair: Prof. Khaled Al-Sahili from the An-Najah National University, Palestine


Breakout Room 7:
Session Chair: Prof. Danielle M. De Guzman from the National University-Manila, Philippines
Dr. Emi Normalina Binti Omar, Universiti Teknologi MARA from the Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia


Breakout Room 8:
Session Chair: Mrs. Ala Zuheir Keblawi from the Universiti Sains Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Eng. Ahmed Mansouri from the University of Batna 1, Algeria


In this session, the discussion went smoothly and the questions came from both onsite and virtual participants. After all the presenter finished with their presentation, all the presenters and attendees were directed to go to the main room for online and the auditorium for the onsite participants a short break in the Main Room to wait for the Best Presenter, Best Paper announcement, Session Chair Recognition, and Closing Speech.

Awarding Session

After all the participants were back on the main room and the auditorium, there was a short break as a preparation for the awarding session and the closing ceremony. Then, the MC announced the Best Presentation and the Best Paper awards. There were 8 Best Presentation awardees and 2 Best Paper awardees.

The Best Presentation category was nominated based on the professionalism, the organization of the presentation, the visual of the presentation, and the handling of the questions, based on the evaluation given by the Session Chairs throughout the presentation.

The Best Presentation on the ICSTSM are:
Breakout Room 1
Paper ID: TSM23105
Presenter: Andy Wahyu Hermanto
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Designing a Fresh Water Generator Application using Adobe Animate

Breakout Room 2
Paper ID: TSM23123
Presenter: Awel Suryadi
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Efforts to Overcome Environmental Damage Due to the Mining of the Octopus 1 Tin Suction Vessel in Matras Waters, Bangka Islands

Breakout Room 3
Paper ID: TSM23155
Presenter: Hadhitya Herjuna
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Implementation of Supervision and Evaluation by the Directorate of Shipping and Marine Affairs to the SIUPPAK Owner Company

Breakout Room 4
Paper ID: TSM23116
Presenter: Gembong Satria Negara
Affiliation: Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang
Title: Reducing Environmental Pollution Due to the Use of Soap for Cleaning Ships by Using Innovation-Based Products Waste Lemons

Breakout Room 5
Paper ID: 6036
Presenter: Romanda Annas Amrullah
Affiliation: Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic
Title: Variability 7R Rule As a Bullwhip Effect Control Strategy

Breakout Room 6
Paper ID: TSM23140
Presenter: Latifa Ika Sari
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: The Qualifications Needed by Logistics Employees in the Future Industry and its Implications in Higher Education Institutions

Breakout Room 7
Paper ID: TSM23108
Presenter: Dede Rikasari
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Implementation Permit To Work System As An Work Accident Prevention On Board Ship

Breakout Room 8
Paper ID: 6047
Presenter: Andi Prasetiawan
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Ship Crew Placement Optimization in Accordance With Safe Manning at PT. Pertamina International Shipping (PIS)

The awardees of Best Presenters with the Conference Chair of ICSTSM


Meanwhile, the Best Paper award category was decided upon these criteria:
1. Submitting the Full Paper with the time,
2. No notes in ethical consideration: Pass the plagiarism checking, citation appropriateness
3. No Revision (Accepted) or only having Minor Revision in the previous review during submission
4. Format/ template alignment,
5. novelty of the content,
6. academic, practical, and societal contribution or the impact
In the ICSTSM, there were two Best Paper awardees:

Best Paper

Paper ID: TSM23123
Contributing Author: Awel Suryadi1, Pritha Kurniasih2, William Cahyo Paringhan3
Affiliation: 1,2,3Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: Efforts to Overcome Environmental Damage Due to the Mining of the Octopus 1 Tin Suction Vessel in Matras Waters, Bangka Islands

Best Paper

Paper ID: TSM23119
Contributing Author: Iksiroh El Husna1, Nenik Kholilah2, Sarifuddin3, Anissofiah Azise Wijinurhayati4, Widya Putri Idayatma5
Affiliation: 1,3,4,5Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, 2Universitas Diponegoro
Title: The Impact of Sea Transportation on Environmental Health

Best Paper awardees with the Conference Chair of ICSTSM

All the onsite awardees were asked to go to the stage to take photos with the Conference Chair of ICSTSM, Dr. Capt. Tri Cahyadi M.H., M. Mar..
Closing Remarks of ICSTSM
The next session was the Closing Remarks, delivered Dr. Ir. Ahmad, M.MTr, QIA, Cfr.A. as the Head of the Center for Maritime Transportation Human Resources Development, Indonesia. He joined the conference virtually through the online platform.


To close the wonderful conference, the cadets of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang performed songs while giving the committees a time to take group photos at the end of the successful event of International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM).