Now Published JHASIB Vol. 1 No. 1
The first issue of Journal of Halal Science, Industry, and Business (JHASIB) Vol. 1 No. 1 May 2023 is now published!
Discover more and find interesting and worthy research related to the Halal science.
1. A Review of Halal Tourism Implementation in Indonesia towards A Global Perspective
Authors: Santi Rahmawati, Wipti Eka Prahadipta, Prameshwara Anggahegari
2. Halal Entrepreneurialism effect on Halal Food Industry Future in Ethiopia: Mediation role of Risk Propensity and Self Efficacy
Authors: Gemechis Fikadu, Shashi Kant, Metasebia Adula
3. Exploring Halal Awareness Within a Heterogeneous Society: The Case of Meat Consumers in Indonesia
Authors: Asep Usman Ismail, Djawahir Hejazziey, Abuddin Nata, Nita Noriko, Damayanti Wardyaningrum, Nindyantoro, Junaidi, Ujang Maman
4. Behavioral Influence on Halal Food Consumption of Millennial Consumers
Authors: Jalaloden B Marohom, Julito G Fuerzas
5. The Impact of The Halal Label on The Welfare of Micro Small-Medium Businesses in Indonesia
Authors: Rayhan Azis, Ardi Taufiqurrahman Juanda, Nunung Nurhayati
6. Legal Awareness of The Muslim Community Regarding Debt Agreements With Bank Tungul
Authors: Nur Afifah, Tarmidzi Tarmidzi