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Image - 6th IBEMS 2022 Highlights in Istanbul, Turkey

6th IBEMS 2022 Highlights in Istanbul, Turkey

A remarkable event has occurred!

6th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (6th IBEMS)  – was an outstanding event held on September 22-23, 2022. This International Conference by was held hybrid by Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). Our hybrid 6th International conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (6th IBEMS) that has been conducted virtually at 9 a.m (UTC +7) Indonesian time or 5 a.m Turkey Time and the offline conference will be conducted at 9 a.m Turkey time or 3 p.m Indonesia time in Golden Tulip Hotel Istanbul Turkey. This platform increased knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and found new research and collaboration opportunities.

Offline Conference
Virtual Conference

(6th IBEMS) 2022

This event was successfully held parallel hybrid in Golden Tulip Bayrampasa Istanbul – Turkey, and zoom meeting from Indonesia. The conference was held in two days. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, Morocco, Turkey, Italy and United Kingdom. All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference.

In this conference, we discuss and share research on Social Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Human Resource Development, Organization Development, Economics, Tourism and Hospitality, Islamic Studies, Sustainability Studies, Entrepreneurship, Education, Business, Social Studies, Management, Risk Management, Law and Humanities.

6th IBEMS Virtual Conference Session 2022

The virtual conference opened with a Welcome Address and Conference Publication Announcement
by Ms. Refani Putri S.F. as MC.

Ms. Refani Putri S.F. as MC.

The next session was continuing the introduction to the global research synergy ecosystem and UIKA. The explanatory presentation gave informative information on participating in a global research forum. It delivered informative descriptions for lecturers, researchers, students, scholars, and academics, participating in global research forums, organizing international journal publications, and other updated information.

Online Presentation Session

The Online Presentation moderated by 2 Session Chairs. They are the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In this session leds by  Dr. Sheryl Haduca Ramirez from Universidad De Manila, Philippines and Dr. Prameshwara Anggahegari from School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Today online presentation consists of 7 participants.

Dr. Sheryl Haduca Ramirez (left) and Dr. Prameshwara Anggahegari (right)

1st Presenter

IEM22108 – Mrs. Imas Kania Rahman – Islamic Personality Competence Guidance and Counseling Students and Musyrif Comparative Studies

Mrs. Imas Kania Rahman – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

2nd Presenter

IEM22116 – Mrs. Santi Lisnawati – Student’s Interest and Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Understanding in Online Learning

Santi Lisnawati – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

3rd Presenter

IEM22120 – Mr. Dedi Supriadi – The Effectiveness of Offline and Online Learning and Learning Motivation on Islamic Learning Outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mathlaul Anwar Gunung Sodong Karhkel Leueiliang Bogor

4th Presenter

IEM22118 – Ms. Renea Shinta Aminda & Mr. Erik Pratama – Determinants of the Open Unemployment Rate in the Regency/City of the Riau Islands Province

Ms. Renea Shinta Aminda & Mr. Erik Pratama – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

5th Presenter

IEM22114 – Mr. M Dahlan R – The Contribution of Sundanese Traditional Games in Children’s Character Building

M Dahlan R – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

6th Presenter

IEM22109 – Ms. Putri Ria Angelina – Impact of Social Media Use on Mental Health and Spiritual Intelligence

Putri Ria Angelina – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

7th Presenter

IEM22115 – Mr. Bahagia – The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Service of Bag MSMEs Bags in Bogor, Indonesia

Bahagia – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

8th Presenter

IEM22119 – Mrs. Siti Nurjanah – Risk Management on Poultry Chain Production : A Case Study of Good Distribution Practices Evaluation in Chicken Slaughterhouses in Bogor, Indonesia

Siti Nurjanah – Department of Food Science and Technology, IPB University, Indonesia

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

The next session was awarding for the presenter that already giving the best effort to presenting their research in this conference of 6th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (6th IBEMS).

The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the best presenter. This selection is given based on the assessment of the session chair in charge of presentation sessions.

The Best Presentation – International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management,
and Social Studies (6th IBEMS) 
Presenter: Putri Ria Angelina
Paper ID: IEM22109 Paper Title: “Impact of Social Media Use on Mental Health and Spiritual Intelligence”

The Best Virtual Presentation of 6th IBEMS 2022

I would gladly say thank you for the opprtunity to our participated and experienced in 6th IBEMS, we are also encourage and for me personaly I do research and also mermerized of the presenters, and its give me another perspective rgrdg some topics in researching and I’m really listening to mam sheryl particularly in technical of research, its amazing experience not only for me that I do research but also for who wants to do research in the future, thank you in behalf of Laguna Collage for this opprtunity – Cincy Merly B. Gecolea (Laguna College of Business and Arts, Philippines)

Publication Timeline of 6th IBEMS 2022

6th IBEMS Offline Conference Session 2022

The conference was held offline at Golden Tulip Bayrampasa Istanbul – Turkey, opened with a welcome address by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati as MC. She also giving welcome remarks and opening speech from the committee. She hoped that this event could bring a better research ecosystem and the opportunity to strengthen research in the future.

Mrs. Santi Rahmawati as MC of 6th IBEMS 2022

Onsite Oral Presentation Session

The Onsite Oral Presentation moderated by 1 Session Chairs. He is the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In this session is lead by Mr. Muhammad Muzamil Sattar from Sapienza University, Rome, Italy and Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih from Research Synergy Foundation, Indonesia. Today onsite oral presentation consists of 6 participants.

Mr. Muhammad Muzamil Sattar (left) and Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih (right)

1st Presenter

IEM22107 – Mrs. Mega Febriani Sya – Indonesian Elementary School English: Policies, Limitations, and Efforts during the Pandemic

Mega Febriani Sya – Universitas Djuanda, Indonesia

2nd Presenter

IEM22113 – Mrs. Widyasari – The Webidaksa Hybrid Learning Model for Students with Special Needs

Widyasari – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

3rd Presenter

IEM22117 – Endin Mujahidin – Prevention of Sexual Violence in Universities Through A Web-Based Management Information System

4th Presenter

IEM22105 – Mr. Budi Susetyo Soewignyo – The Role Model of Islamic Society in the Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

Budi Susetyo Soewignyo – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

5th Presenter

IEM22106 – Mrs. Immas Nurhayati – Information System, Digital Accounting, and Financial Management: Evidence from University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Immas Nurhayati – Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Indonesia

6th Presenter

IEM22110 – Mr. Muhammad Muzamil Sattar – Collaboration of Marketing Mix and Brand Elements on Digital Devices

Muhammad Muzamil Sattar – Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the best paper and the best presenter. This selection is given based on the assessment of committee and the session chair in charge of presentation sessions.

The Best Presentation – International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (6th IBEMS) is: Presenter: Mr. Budi Susetyo Soewignyo
Paper ID: IEM22105 Paper Title: “The Role Model of Islamic Society in the Environmental Management and Sustainable Development”

The Best Offline Presentation of 6th IBEMS 2022

The Best Paper– International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management,
and Social Studies (6th IBEMS):

Authors: Berliana Kartakusumah1, Mustholah Maufur2, Mega Febriani Sya3

Paper ID: IEM22107 Paper Title: “Indonesian Elementary School English: Policies, Limitations, and Efforts during the Pandemic”

The Best Paper of 6th IBEMS 2022

Syed Muhammad Osama – İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Turkey

With this virtual and onsite meeting, it is hoped that all participants will gain valuable knowledge, and collaboration will be formed to continue research so that it is more developed. Even though the pandemic still exists, this does not discourage us from researching and sharing knowledge globally from all participants in various countries. The (6th IBEMS) conference is held as an ecosystem of scientific meetings following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

See you on the next agenda!

Conference Website link: ibemsconference.com/index.php/6th-ibems/

Watch video 6th IBEMS conference here

Documentation 6th IBEMS here: https://bit.ly/Documentation_6thIBEMS