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Image - Now Published IJMESH Vol. 6 No. 2: January – June 2023

Now Published IJMESH Vol. 6 No. 2: January – June 2023

The latest issue of International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH) Vol. 6 No. 2: January - June 2023 is now published!


Vol. 6 No. 2: January - June 2023
E-ISSN: 2580-0981

Discover more and find interesting and worthy research related with theoretical and practice-oriented papers for the advancement of management, entrepreneurship, social science and humanities from various countries:

  1. Bibliometric Analysis to A Future Research Direction on Agile Transformation
    Author: Sidik Darusulistyo, Dermawan Wibisono, Harimukti Wandebori, Santi Novani

  2. The Impact of Organizational Support on Nurse Work Performance Mediated by Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Author: Aisyah Nabila Azuraa, Rusman Frendika, Hadi Susiarno, Nina Mariana

  3. New Ways of Working in the Manufacturing Sector as COVID-19 Pandemic Learning and Its Relevance to Workforce Agility
    Author: Fransiska Cicilia Pembayun Noviansista Cornelis, Hary Febriansyah

  1. The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Social Competence on the Psychological Well-Being of Public Service Employees
    Author: Chiyem Lucky Nwanzu, Sunday Samson Babalola

  2. Good Governance as An Economic Driver for Service Delivery: Lessons for South African Government
    Author: Ndimphiwe Mlamli Marawu, Reward Utete, Sheunesu Zhou

  3. Exploring the Dynamics of Agripreneurship Perception and Intention among the Nigerian Youth
    Author: Kenechukwu Ikebuaku, Mulugeta Dinbabo