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Image - 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (2nd ICE-BEST)

2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (2nd ICE-BEST)

A remarkable event has occurred!

The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (2nd ICE-BEST) was held successfully on 30-31 October 2024. Organized by Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta and Research Synergy Foundation. Co-hosted by Institut Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bekasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, and Management & Science University, Malaysia. This conference was held in hybrid, live from the Ramada by Wyndham Istanbul City Center, Istanbul, Turkey and virtually through the online platform. The 2nd ICE-BEST brought the theme of “Harnessing Innovation for Global Community Resilience: A Multidisciplinary Research Synergies” with 8 tracks of interdisciplinary field of studies presented by 48 participants. This conference aimed to strengthen the interdisciplinary research from basic to share their thought and findings in various spectrum of Management, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Education, Marine and Fisheries.

The conference has successfully gathered speakers, participants, scientific reviewer, session chair, and attendees from more than 12 countries around the globe, such as Indonesia, Turkey, USA, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Philippines, Morocco, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Iraq, and many more. 


Day 1

A Seamless Hybrid Conference

The 2nd ICE-BEST was arranged seamlessly between the onsite and online participants. The opening started live the Ramada by Wyndham Istanbul City Center, Istanbul, Turkey, while the virtual participants joined through the online platform Zoom. 
The day started with welcoming registration for participants at Ramada by Wyndham Istanbul City Center, Istanbul, Turkey and online through Zoom that started at 9 AM Istanbul Time, followed up with welcoming address for the participant that MC had announced. Indonesia Raya Anthem played as the opening of the events. Then the welcome remarks was delivered by Prof. Dr. Lela Nurlaela Wati, S.E., M.M., CRA., CRP as the Conference Chair of 2nd ICE-BEST from Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Lela Nurlaela Wati, S.E., M.M., CRA., CRP
Conference Chair of 2nd ICE-BEST
Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Afterward, the Rector of Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Agus Suradika, M.Pd., delivered an opening speech for the 2nd ICE-BEST.

Prof. Dr. Agus Suradika, M.Pd.
Rector of Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

The conference also welcomed the co-conference chair and chairperson of the Research Synergy Foundation, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih. She introduced the Global Research Ecosystem by Research Synergy Foundation, which supported the scientific process and publication of 2nd ICE-BEST. Thus making the conference more reputable and internationalized.

Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Founder & Chaiperson of Research Synergy Foundation

A Plenary Keynote Speaker Session

The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (2nd ICE-BEST) invited 4 Keynote Speakers coming from various country. One of the keynote speakers, Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D., came to the conference onsite. The keynote speaker session was held in a plenary setting, moderated by Santi Rahmawati M.S.M., the Founder and Global Network Operation Director of the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF)

Keynote Speaker 1 Session

The first keynote speaker was Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D., from Universitas Jambi, Indonesia. His speech talked about "Does AI Benefit or Hurt Research and Innovation in Higher Education? The Risks for Human, Cultural, and Social Capitals."

Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D.
Universitas Jambi, Indonesia

Keynote Speaker 2 Session

Prof. Ramayah Thurasamy from School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia brought out a fresh topic for his speech regarding “

Publishing Papers with Rigor in Quantitative Research"


Prof. Ramayah Thurasamy
School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Keynote Speaker 3 Session

After that, the session was continued by the speech of Dr. Ildus Rafikov from Vice President (Research), Maqasid Institute.

Dr. Ildus Rafikov
Vice President (Research), Maqasid Institute

Keynote Speaker 4 Session

Prof. Shenaj Hadzimustafa joined online from The South East European University, North Macedonia, delivered her speech about "Behavioral Economics: Concepts, principles and a study"

Prof. Shenaj Hadzimustafa
South East European University, North Macedonia

Onsite Academic Presentation Session

The online academic presentation session of the 2nd ICE-BEST Live from Ramada by Wyndham Istanbul City Center, Istanbul, Turkey with and had one session. The Session Chairs for the onsite and online academic presentation session came from various countries and affiliations, that were consist:

Onsite Presentation Session 1 day 1:
Session Chair: Dr. Seyfeddin Neslinebi - Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey

Onsite Presentation Session 2 day 1:
Session Chair: Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D. - Universitas Jambi, Indonesia


On the first day of 2nd ICE-BEST, there were 2 Best Presentation awards:

Best Presentation Session 1:

Paper ID: BST24104
Presenter: Dwi Romadhon
Affiliation: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Title: How Financial Literacy Impacts Personal Financial Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

Best Presentation Session 2:

Paper ID: BST24149
Presenter: Seyfeddin Neslinebi
Affiliation: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Title: The Impacts of Post-2010 International and Regional Political Developments on Turkey’s Economic Downturn


The first day last agenda was the Closing Remarks, delivered by Dr. Rita Yuni Mulyanti, S.Pi, M.M. from Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta.


Day 2

The second day of 2nd ICE-BEST consisted of virtual sessions of academic presentation session. The Session Chairs leading the sessions are:

Session 1:

Main Room: Dr. Yeow Jian Ai - Multimedia University, Malaysia

Breakout Room 1: Dr. Jocelyn Y. Camalig - Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila, Philippines

Breakout Room 2: Dr. Tan Lay Hong - Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Session 2:

Main Room: Dr. Arbia Hlali - Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

Breakout Room 1: Prof. Dr. Joseph G. Refugio - St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines

Breakout Room 2: Dr. Chong Kim Mee - Taylor’s University, Malaysia

Breakout Room 3: Prof. Rajini G. - Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai, India

In this session, the facinating discussion went smoothly and the questions came assertively from both onsite and virtual participants. After all the presenter finished with their presentation, all the presenters and attendees were directed to go to the main room for online and went to the auditorium for the onsite participants for a short break to wait decision for the Best Presenter, Best Paper announcement, Session Chair Recognition, and Closing Speech.

Awarding Session

After all the participants were back on the main room and the auditorium, there was a short break as a preparation for the awarding session and the closing ceremony. Then, the MC announced the Best Presentation and the Best Paper awards. There were 6 Best Presentation awardees and 2 Best Paper awardees.

The Best Presentation category was nominated based on the professionalism, the organization of the presentation, the visual of the presentation, and the handling of the questions, based on the evaluation given by the Session Chairs throughout the presentation.

The Best Presentation on the Day 2 of 2nd ICE-BEST are:

Session 1

Main Room 
Paper ID: BST24172
Presenter: Nor Azima Ahmad
Affiliation: Management and Science University, Malaysia
Title: The Relationship Between Peer Support and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Malaysia Government Servants: Job Satisfaction as a Mediator

Breakout Room 1
Paper ID: BST24132
Presenter: Kiagus Amin
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta 
Title: Optimizing Taxpayer Compliance through Tax Counseling and Sanctions with Taxpayer Awareness as a Mediating Variable

Breakout Room 2
Paper ID: BST24127
Presenter: Dedi Bernard
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: The Effect of Competence, Compensation and Motivation on Employee Performance at The Head Office PT ALNS Anglo Eastern Indonesia 


Session 2

Main Room 
Paper ID: BST24118
Presenter: Muhamad Wahyu Fatchurohman
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: The Influence of Career Development and Competene on Employee Work Effectiveness PT Azure Samudera Karsa 

Breakout Room 1
Paper ID: BST24171
Presenter: Muhammad Rizki Perdana
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: Analysis of User Experience (UX) and Customer Satisfaction in Online Food Delivery in Jabodetabek Using the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)

Breakout Room 2
Paper ID: BST24131
Presenter: Antan Permata
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: Application of Total Quality Management to the Operational Performance of the PT Arohera Company 

Breakout Room 3
Paper ID: BST24145
Presenter: Pudi Setiyawan
Affiliation: Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: Event Study: Do Politically Affiliated Affect the Stock Return during the Presidential Election? 

Meanwhile, the Best Paper award category was decided upon these criteria:
1. Submitting the Full Paper with the time,
2. No notes in ethical consideration: Pass the plagiarism checking, citation appropriateness
3. No Revision (Accepted) or only having Minor Revision in the previous review during submission
4. Format/ template alignment,
5. novelty of the content,
6. academic, practical, and societal contribution or the impact
In the 2nd ICE-BEST, there were two Best Paper awardees:

Best Paper

Paper ID: BST24131
Contributing Author: Antan Permata1, Lela Nurlaela Wati2, Mukti Soma3
Affiliation: 1,2,3Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: Application of Total Quality Management to the Operational Performance of the PT Arohera Company

Best Paper

Paper ID: BST24131
Contributing Author: ita Yuni Mulyanti1, Lela Nurlaela Wati2, Suhana3
Affiliation: 1,2,3Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Title: What Factors Influence the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES)? A Gender-Based Approach

Closing Remarks of 2nd ICE-BEST
Meanwhile, the wrapped up closing remarks on the day 2 was delivered by Supriatiningsih, S.E., M.Ak. from Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta.