Turning Concepts into Published Articles : Intensive Class Systematic Literature Review December Batch
We are excited to announce the successful conclusion of the first session of the “Intensive Class: Writing A Systematic Literature Review & Publishing in International Journal” which took place on December 5, 2024. Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M. began the session with an inspiring introduction, setting a positive and engaging atmosphere for all participants. The focus of the session was on providing an overview of Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs), exploring their key components and importance.
Setyowati Triastuti Utami, Ph.D. from Gadjah Mada University led a session on formulating research questions and objectives, emphasizing their crucial role in directing research efforts. During the session, participants engaged in practical exercises to refine their research objectives and ensure they aligned with their study goals.
The second session, held on December 12, 2024, concentrated on building effective search strategies for SLRs. Attendees learned how to craft search strings using keywords and Boolean operators, gaining essential skills for navigating the complex world of academic literature.
On December 19, 2024, the third session delved into the Study Selection Process. Key topics included applying strict criteria for study screening and data extraction. Participants also learned how to design efficient data extraction forms for structured analysis.
The final session, on December 27, 2024, focused on discussing the critical stages of the systematic review process. By the end of the program, participants are expected to produce high-quality papers that reflect their comprehensive understanding of the SLR process, showcasing their research abilities and potential for academic publication. This experience underscores the importance of producing high-quality research that contributes meaningfully to the academic community.