Insight Articles

Image - ORCADEV Indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)!

ORCADEV Indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)!

Congratulations to the Organization and Human Capital Development (ORCADEV) on being indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)!

ORCADEV Journal Website: https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/index.php/orcadev

We sincerely thank the Editorial Boards, Scientific Reviewers, and Authors for their unwavering support throughout the remarkable journey of developing ORCADEV. Your dedication to promoting open access and disseminating valuable research in human resource disciplines is commendable.

We extend our warmest wishes for continued success in all of ORCADEV's future endeavors, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the profound impact it will continue to make within the academic community.

Best Regards,
Dr. Nuri Herachwati, dra, Ec., M.Si., M.Sc.
Editor in Chief of ORCADEV