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Image - πŸ“… Webinar #AskEditor 7 Recap!

πŸ“… Webinar #AskEditor 7 Recap!

We had an amazing time at Webinar #AskEditor 7 on August 29, 2024! πŸŽ‰ The event was held virtually by zoom platform organized by Research Synergy Foundation and Co-Organized by Polytechnic University of the Philippines and Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang Indonesia, bringing together researchers, practicioners, and students to discuss about cutting-edge insights from the latest research and practical applications, as well as opportunities for international publications.

🎀 Highlights:

  • Keynote Speaker 1, Prof. Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky from Universitas Ibnu Khaldun, Indonesia that discussed about Sharing Tips for High Impact Journal Publication.

  • Keynote Speaker 2, Widyoretno Adiani, S. Si., M.S.M from Research Synergy Foundation that discussed about Unveiling Rejection Reasons and Elevating Your Research Impact.

Thank you to everyone who attended and made this event a success! πŸ™Œ We’re already looking forward to the next one. Stay tuned for more updates!

#webinar #askeditor #Community #Networking #Learning #researchsynergyfoundation #research #collaboration #publication