Book of Abstract Conference Proceeding 5th International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (5th ICPS)
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (5th ICPS) is a scientific output from a conference collaboration program between Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga (PASCA UNAIR) , Research Synergy Foundation, Universitas Mulawarman, STIE Sultan Agung, and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. 5th ICPS provides an interdisciplinary platform for gathering scholars, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate ongoing research. With theme “Managing the New Normality: Multidisciplinary Research in The Post-Pandemic Time”.
The Proceeding covers theoretical practices and their implications in Economics, Human Resources Management, Management and Business. The expected contribution of this Proceeding is to give an multidisciplinary insight into the latest research and study in line with the sustainable and innovation issue.
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Editorial :
Dr. Nuri Herachwati, Dra., Ec., M.Si., M.Sc
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Santi Rahmawati, MSM.